The Watch Enthusiast

About Us

TOTAL WATCH was founded by Robert Wong, a watch enthusiast and a group of watch collectors with many year of experience in vintage and modern pieces.

We hope to share interest and exchange knowledge amongst the watch enthusiast around the globe.It has been acknowledged that over time, investment on fine watch can bring good returns of investment.

However sound knowledge and advise is the key for a good investment piece. You are welcome to ask any questions related to vintage and modern piece and we also buy and trade any watches on this site.


TOTAL WATCH 是由黄国龙先生以及有着一班志同道合的腕表收藏者的支持下所成立的,有者在这个嗜好上已超过三十年的经验。


TOTAL WATCH 并不纯碎是一个商业腕表网站,它可以说是一个平台,一个联系着所有收藏者,以便分享他们的收藏品,希望藉着这个平台,会有越来越多的志同道合者爱上这个健康即可保值的嗜好,当然,在这里会有一些腕表出让,但我们还是比较喜欢 “ 物物交换 ”